"The heat from the depths is a mineral treasure that we have not yet sufficiently explored, let alone put to use. GeoLaB will make important contributions to this and enable a knowledge-based approach."
Prof. Dr. Susanne Buiter, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Geothermal energy can play an important role in energy supply and provide us with sustainable heat. The heat from the depths is renewable and constant, so it doesn't fluctuate like wind and solar energy.
Near-surface geothermal energy is already being used successfully for numerous buildings or building complexes. The so-called hydrothermal geothermal energy is also being used more and more and supplies entire districts. It uses thermal water, for example from sandstone or porous limestone at greater depths. Bruchsal and Munich are examples of this. However, hydrothermal geothermal energy is only possible at certain locations. Research is necessary in order to be able to use deep geothermal energy at many locations and to extract the large amount of energy from crystalline deep rocks such as granite.
Scientists from various disciplines can best carry out this research in an underground laboratory like GeoLaB. Because here experiments can be carried out directly in the rock. The processes taking place can be precisely controlled and observed. This would not be possible as directly or as extensively with a research drilling from the earth's surface. GeoLaB is intended to take geothermal energy research a decisive step forward.
Geothermische Nutzungssysteme: Oberflächennahe Systeme (links) zur Wärmegewinnung, Kühlung und saisonalen Speicherung. Hydrothermale Systeme zur Wärmegewinnung für Fernwärmenetze (Mitte). Petrothermale Systeme / EGS (Enhanced Geothermal Systems) zur Wärme- oder Stromgewinnung im kristallinen Grundgebirge. © KIT © KIT
Three theses justify the need for GeoLaB:
- Sustainable geothermal use of the crystalline basement for the energy transition requires scientific investigations in an underground laboratory.
- GeoLaB allows in situ experiments under reservoir-like conditions and direct observation of complex processes in space and time.
- GeoLaB enables the necessary basic research (e.g. on constitutive laws, flow behavior in fracture networks under high flow rates, fracture behavior) and applied research (e.g. on borehole integrity).
- Environmentally friendly technology development can ensure sustainable usage strategies and thus a significant contribution to security of supply and the heat transition.
- GeoLaB lays the foundation for the development of environmentally friendly strategies for the safe use of geothermal energy, such as minimizing seismic risks, and thus also for a controlled and efficient management of the crystalline bedrock.
- In this way, GeoLaB also creates the scientific basis for the social acceptability of the technology.
- As a holistic research platform, GeoLaB offers cutting-edge research beyond geothermal energy and creates synergies for the development of geotechnologies that are economically relevant today.
- GeoLaB is used to build urgently needed knowledge for the development of large underground infrastructures using innovative methods (including virtual reality).
- GeoLaB enables collaboration between universities, federal institutions and industry.
- GeoLaB offers a platform for dialogue and participation by citizens. GeoLaB brings geosciences to life.